Wednesday, August 5, 2009

Brenden is 6 months

We can not believe how time is fling by. Brenden just turned 6 months and keeps growing like a weed. He is grabbing at everything and his favorite is pulling hair. OUCH! I took him for his check up and shots. His recent stats are 17 lbs and 15 oz, 27.56" long and his head measured 17.8 inches. The doctor said that he has a big head.... Well Lil Wil's head was 18 1/2 inches. He weighted 16 lbs. 14 oz. and was 27 3/4 inches long. So they are close. Patrick at 6 months was 17 lbs, 27"! So he is doing well! He are some recent picts. Hope they put a smile on your face!

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