Sunday, May 3, 2009

Zoo Trip

William's class had a field trip to the zoo on Thursday. Parents were allowed to come! So I went with Brenden. This was Brenden's first trip to the zoo. Well, he wasn't that impressed, he slept and drank his bottle and cried a little because he was hot. Anyway William seemed to have fun because his "classmates" (as he calls them) were there. Drew was assigned to be his buddy, so we had to look after him. We also walked around with Jenna, Chloe and Emma. Chloe and William are good friends. We tease him that she is his girlfriend because she is always running after him screaming William!

William & Drew The circle of life, that's what I felt like singing

Checking out the monkeys. Leave it to William to ask why their butts were so ugly.

William and his "classmate" Drew

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