Wednesday, August 5, 2009

Camping Trip

William took the boys camping last week at Bellows! They had a blast. Lil Wil only stayed one night because we had to go meet his teacher. Jacob got stung by a small jelly fish. The lady at the store told William to pour coke over it so he did and that worked to stop the stinging! Hey who can beat camping on the beach!!!! Brenden and I slept at home, but we did go down to go swimming and drop off William. That was Brenden's first time in the beach water. He didn't really care too much for it at first, but he did well before he fell asleep! All I have to say is that he better start liking being at the beach!
Camp site, off to the right was the beach!

William took this shot of the waves

Jelly fish like the one that stung Jacob
Jacob's arm after getting stung

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