Wednesday, September 9, 2009

Some recent EXTRAS

He is way too cute! "look at my two new teeth!"

I don't know who likes Brenden's toys more, Brenden or Lil William????
Brenden trying so hard to crawl, almost got it!
Lil Wil brushed his hair for school
Brenden playing with Riley
Riley is the neighbors daughter, Brenden just loves her or maybe it is that she loves him!
Brenden fell asleep after eating some snacks.

William's BBQ, itsn't he crafty!!! Actually, steaks were great!!!

1 comment:

amygermer said...

Hey! It has been awhile. I like your new background, very cute! I can't believe how big your baby is getting. I love that picture of him and Will reading book, too sweet. Hope you guys are well. Tell big Will I said "Hi" and I miss Texas food too!