Monday, November 9, 2009

Barber's Point Beach


We went over to a beach called Barber's Point for a b-bque that some guy from William's work put on. The waves here are pretty ruff, but the kids like that. We have a nice time hanging out. Brenden played in the sand for the first time. I was funny watching him. He wasn't sure what to make of it and it seemed as though he was trying to pick up one little piece, which is about impossible. We also saw some Monk Seals laying out resting. They come up to rest so that they can sleep without fear of sharks getting them. I took more picts, but didn't want to bore you with them all. At the bottom is a video of Brenden playing in the sand!

Monk Seal sleeping (resting) on the beach. It is not dead I swear.

I think he is thinking I LOVE MY MOMMY!
Nice size waves

Brenden trying to get that one piece of sand!

He put so much lighter fluid on this, I thought he was going to burn up the place

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