Thursday, March 5, 2009

5 Weeks Already

I can not believe that 5 weeks have gone by already. Time flies. Brenden is growing like a weed and eating me out of house and home. He is starting to smile more and more. I love it when they smile! He also makes tons of faces and does crazy things with his eyes. Can you tell I spend a lot of time looking at him! How can you not. He loves it when I tell him HI. Anyway he is doing great and I am still real tired, but at least we are adjusting to our new routine. Patrick is also a big help with holding him and feeding him if I have to go cook or whatever. He is a big help. Lil Wil just gets in his face and says Hi baby Brenden. They are great boys!!!! I am so blessed!

Look how big he is getting

1 comment:

amy germer said...

He is so sweet! Lil Will and him are definitely made from the same mold.
Sorry, I never got back to you. February flew by and here we are in March. I still would love to come visit you guys, not sure now when I can. This month is gone-we have a big two week camping trip. I keep in touch.
And, Baby feet are cute. But, your right big people feet are stinky!